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W obronie dr Doroty Sienkiewicz, odważnej i uczciwej lekarki.
Dr Sienkiewicz to lekarka z 30-letnim doświadczeniem w leczeniu i rehabilitacji dzieci, w tym dzieci okaleczonych przez szczepienia, która przeprowadziła własne badanie w zakresie powikłań poszczepiennych, więc jest niewątpliwym ekspertem w tej dziedzinie. Atak izb lekarskich na nią to atak na konstytucyjnie gwarantowaną wolność słowa, wolność akademicką, prawo do posiadania i wyrażania zawodowych opinii zgodnych z własną wiedzą i doświadczeniami, oraz atak na zobowiązanie lekarza do leczenia i ochrony zdrowia pacjentów.

W załączeniu apel pani Sochy o wsparcie dr Sienkiewicz i pisanie listów do wskazanych urzędów Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Białymstoku oraz lokalnej izby lekarskiej. Apel jest napisany po angielsku, gdyż jest skierowany także do międzynarodowej opinii publicznej. Osoby nieznające angielskiego mogą go sobie przetłumaczyć googlem.

Udzielmy masowego wsparcia tej dzielnej lekarce, która stając w obronie zdrowia polskich dzieci naraziła swą karierę na zniszczenie przez organy lekarsko-farmaceutycznej "inkwizycji".


A call for support from Poland

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Physicians and Scientists,

Dorota Sienkiewicz, MD-PhD, is a doctor of medical sciences with a specialization in pediatrics and medical rehabilitation. For many years she has worked with dedication in pediatric, neurology and rehabilitation wards. She takes care of disabled children. She is employed at the Department of Pediatric Rehabilitation and Center of Early Support for Handicapped Children of the Medical University of Bialystok in Poland. She has 30 years of practice as a physician and pediatrician. She also works as a scientist. She authored over 80 publications, among them one internationally known dealing with post-vaccine complications, titled "Neurologic adverse events following vaccination" (1).

Now she is to appear before the medical board of ethics. Her research and medical career are at stake. For what reason? On November 8, 2018 she participated in a committee meeting at the Polish Sejm (Parliament), when the civic project of the STOP NOP Association on the introduction of voluntary vaccinations in Poland was being discussed. (Poland is one of the only two countries in EU, where 27 pediatric vaccinations against 12 diseases, given from first day of life till age 19, are mandatory. Some vaccines are given 4 to 7 times during this period. Sometimes these vaccines are outdated, contaminated and of poor quality, which results in frequent vaccine-induced injuries.)

We had been taken by surprise by the scheduling of date for Sejm committee meeting - a day earlier than was originally planned. We requested its postponement to allow time for foreign researchers to arrive, but our request was refused. In Poland so far, every doctor who publicly questioned the current overloaded mandatory immunization program faced interrogation by a self-governing medical chamber. Even though chief of one of medical chambers reported on the physician-MPs who voted in the Sejm for further proceedings of the civic project, two brave doctors decided to participate in this debate. One of them, Dr. Katarzyna Bross-Walderdorff, had already been penalized by suspension of the right to practice because of her speech during another Sejm debate in 2015 (2). (The court made this decision precisely on the day in which proceeding of the civic project began).

The chairman of the Sejm committee severely limited speech time of Dr. Dorota Sienkiewicz, making it impossible for her to present the scientific evidence, and he did not allow her to respond to accusations of the representatives of the main parliamentary clubs (3).

As is typical in such highly politicized cases, the university where she works has issued a statement dissociating itself from her opinions (4). Very soon (on December 10) she is to appear for an investigation before the ethics committee of the medical council. For what? For expressing her medical opinion and defending the interests of children?

We are appealing to all doctors and scientists from around the world, who care about wellbeing of children and the freedom of science, to stand up for Dr. Dorota Sienkiewicz.

Contacts to the University:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1,
15-089 Białystok
e-mail: (general office)
e-mail: (president)
email: (provost)

Regional Medical Chamber in Bialystok :
Okręgowa Izba Lekarska w Białymstoku
ul. Świętojańska 7
15-082 Białystok

Contact for Dr. Dorota Sienkiewicz:

Justyna Socha
President of the Polish Association for Information on Vaccinations STOP NOP*
Representative of the Citizens' Legislative Initiative Committee
(* the organization which initiated International Protest Against Mandatory Vaccination - held every year on June 3 in Warsaw, Poland - International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day)
1. Full text of Dr. Sienkiewicz paper:
3. (p. 41)
p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; }a:link { color: rgb(5, 99, 193); }

Maria Majewska
Dodane przez prakseda dnia grudnia 10 2018 08:17:08 · 9 Komentarzy · 115 Czytań · Drukuj
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Czesc wszystkim mam na imie Kacper 21 lat i jestem z Kolobrzegu. Na serwerze wisze od czasow tak zamieszchlych ze co tu gadac. Jestem milosnikiem cs 1. 6, cs jego, imetina, lola. Zajmuje sie budowanie
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